JVM in the uWSGI server (updated to 1.9) ======================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 JWSGI Ring Introduction ************ As of uWSGI 1.9, you can have a full, thread-safe and versatile JVM embedded in the core. All of the plugins can call JVM functions (written in Java, JRuby, Jython, Clojure, whatever new fancy language the JVM can run) via the :doc:`RPC subsystem` or using uWSGI :doc:`Signals` The JVM plugin itself can implement request handlers to host JVM-based web applications. Currently :doc:`JWSGI` and :doc:`Ring` (Clojure) apps are supported. A long-term goal is supporting servlets, but it will require heavy sponsorship and funding (feel free to ask for more information about the project at info@unbit.it). Building the JVM support ************************ First of all, be sure to have a full JDK distribution installed. The uWSGI build system will try to detect common JDK setups (Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, OSX...), but if it is not able to find a JDK installation it will need some information from the user (see below). To build the JVM plugin simply run: .. code-block:: sh python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/jvm default Change 'default', if needed, to your alternative build profile. For example if you have a Perl/PSGI monolithic build just run .. code-block:: sh python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/jvm psgi or for a fully-modular build .. code-block:: sh python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/jvm core If all goes well the jvm_plugin will be built. If the build system cannot find a JDK installation you will ned to specify the path of the headers directory (the directory containing the jni.h file) and the lib directory (the directory containing libjvm.so). As an example, if jni.h is in /opt/java/includes and libjvm.so is in /opt/java/lib/jvm/i386, run the build system in that way: .. code-block:: sh UWSGICONFIG_JVM_INCPATH=/opt/java/includes UWSGICONFIG_JVM_LIBPATH=/opt/java/lib/jvm/i386 python uwsgiconfig --plugin plugins/jvm After a successful build, you will get the path of the uwsgi.jar file. That jarball contains classes to access the uWSGI API, and you should copy it into your CLASSPATH or at the very least manually load it from uWSGI's configuration. Exposing functions via the RPC subsystem **************************************** In this example we will export a "hello" Java function (returning a string) and we will call it from a Python WSGI application. This is our base configuration (we assume a modular build). .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = python,jvm http = :9090 wsgi-file = myapp.py jvm-classpath = /opt/uwsgi/lib/uwsgi.jar The ``jvm-classpath`` is an option exported by the JVM plugin that allows you to add directories or jarfiles to your classpath. You can specify as many ``jvm-classpath`` options you need. Here we are manually adding ``uwsgi.jar`` as we did not copy it into our CLASSPATH. This is our WSGI example script. .. code-block:: py import uwsgi def application(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')]) yield "

" yield uwsgi.call('hello') yield "

" Here we use ``uwsgi.call()`` instead of ``uwsgi.rpc()`` as a shortcut (little performance gain in options parsing). We now create our Foobar.java class. Its ``static void main()`` function will be run by uWSGI on startup. .. code-block:: java public class Foobar { static void main() { // create an anonymous function uwsgi.RpcFunction rpc_func = new uwsgi.RpcFunction() { public String function(String... args) { return "Hello World"; } }; // register it in the uWSGI RPC subsystem uwsgi.register_rpc("hello", rpc_func); } } The ``uwsgi.RpcFunction`` interface allows you to easily write uWSGI-compliant RPC functions. Now compile the Foobar.java file: .. code-block:: sh javac Foobar.java (eventually fix the classpath or pass the uwsgi.jar path with the -cp option) You now have a Foobar.class that can be loaded by uWSGI. Let's complete the configuration... .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = python,jvm http = :9090 wsgi-file = myapp.py jvm-classpath = /opt/uwsgi/lib/uwsgi.jar jvm-main-class = Foobar The last option (``jvm-main-class``) will load a java class and will execute its ``main()`` method. We can now visit localhost:9090 and we should see the Hello World message. Registering signal handlers *************************** In the same way as the RPC subsystem you can register signal handlers. You will be able to call Java functions on time events, file modifications, cron... Our Sigbar.java: .. code-block:: java public class Sigbar { static void main() { // create an anonymous function uwsgi.SignalHandler sh = new uwsgi.SignalHandler() { public void function(int signum) { System.out.println("Hi, i am the signal " + signum); } }; // register it in the uWSGI signal subsystem uwsgi.register_signal(17, "", sh); } } ``uwsgi.SignalHandler`` is the interface for signal handlers. Whenever signal 17 is rased, the corresponding JVM function will be run. Remember to compile the file, load it in uWSGI and to enable to master process (without it the signal subsystem will not work). The fork() problem and multithreading ************************************* The JVM is not ``fork()`` friendly. If you load a virtual machine in the master and then you fork() (like generally you do in other languages) the children JVM will be broken (this is mainly because threads required by the JVM are not inherited). For that reason a JVM for each worker, mule and spooler is spawned. Fortunately enough, differently from the vast majority of other platforms, the JVM has truly powerful multithreading support. uWSGI supports it, so if you want to run one of the request handlers (JWSGI, Clojure/Ring) just remember to spawn a number of threads with the ``--threads`` option. How does it work? ***************** uWSGI embeds the JVM using the JNI interface. Unfortunately we cannot rely on JVM's automatic garbage collector, so we have to manually unreference all of the allocated objects. This is not a problem from a performance and usage point of view, but makes the development of plugins a bit more difficult compared to other JNI-based products. Fortunately the current API simplifies that task. Passing options to the JVM ************************** You can pass specific options to the JVM using the ``--jvm-opt`` option. For example to limit heap usage to 10 megabytes: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] ... jvm-opt = -Xmx10m Loading classes (without main method) ************************************* We have already seen how to load classes and run their ``main()`` method on startup. Often you will want to load classes only to add them to the JVM (allowing access to external modules needing them) To load a class you can use ``--jvm-class``. .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] ... jvm-class = Foobar jvm-class = org/unbit/Unbit Remember class names must use the '/' format instead of dots! This rule applies to ``--jvm-main-class`` too. Request handlers **************** Although the Java(TM) world has its J2EE environment for deploying web applications, you may want to follow a different approach. The uWSGI project implements lot of features that are not part of J2EE (and does not implement lot of features that are a strong part of J2EE), so you may find its approach more suited for your setup (or taste, or skills). The JVM plugin exports an API to allow hooking web requests. This approach differs a bit from "classic" way uWSGI works. The JVM plugin registers itself as a handler for modifier1==8, but will look at the modifier2 value to know which of its request handlers has to manage it. For example the :doc:`Ring` plugin registers itself in the JVM plugin as the modifier2 number '1'. So to pass requests to it you need something like that: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] http = :9090 http-modifier1 = 8 http-modifier2 = 1 or with nginx: .. code-block:: c location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_modifier1 8; uwsgi_modifier2 1; uwsgi_pass /tmp/uwsgi.socket; } Currently there are 2 JVM request handlers available: * :doc:`JWSGI` * :doc:`Ring` (for Clojure) As already said, the idea of developing a servlet request handler is there, but it will require a sponsorship (aka. money) as it'll be a really big effort. Notes ***** * You do not need special jar files to use UNIX sockets -- the JVM plugin has access to all of the uWSGI features. * You may be addicted to the log4j module. There is nothing wrong with it, but do take a look at uWSGI's logging capabilities (less resources needed, less configuration, and more NoEnterprise) * The uWSGI API access is still incomplete (will be updated after 1.9) * The JVM does not play well in environments with limited address space. Avoid using ``--limit-as`` if you load the JVM in your instances.